Sunday, September 19, 2010

Come One...Come All...

STEP RIGHT UP AND HAVE A BALL! A few of us moms decided to throw a carnival themed party for the kids in our congregation. The kids enjoyed face painting, bean bag toss, cake walk, aim game, ring toss, eagle eye-spy and our own version of the dunking booth- just to name a few. Many thanks to all the parents who ran booths and supplied cupcakes and favors, to Danielle for her AWESOME face painting skills, to Kara for the FANTASTIC popcorn cupcakes, to Uloma, Maury, Christy and Lynette for making an idea become a REALITY. And special thanks to my number one ACE, partner, best friend, and sanity keeper... my Nathan- thanks for your support and for being such a great husband and dad.

courtesy of Jaime Bristow

courtesy of Jaime Bristow
courtesy of Jaime Bristow
courtesy of Jaime Bristow

courtesy of Jaime Bristow

Sticky fingers and dirty faces = SUCCESS!

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1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! You all seem to be settling in nicely. I'm happy to see that you made aa good change.
