Saturday, October 2, 2010

Two Peas in a Pod

The other day, during rest time, Jack came out of his room and told me that Olive was "pulling his curtains down." I went to see exactly what he meant and how this was possible. It my horror Olive was standing on top of her doll house bookshelf! She had one foot on one slanted half of the roof and the other foot resting on the windowsill (which by the way had a portion of the curtain under it). Our little monkey had climbed out of her crib using the bummer to assist in her break. The look of pride on her face was priceless. If I hadn't been convinced that at any moment I would witness a fall that would send us to the emergency room I would have taken a picture. Our solution? To take off the front of her crib turning it into a toddler bed. However, we are now faced with a new problem...getting her to stay in the bed. She is resolved to sleep in Jack's bed. Her determination hasn't waned, even if she does fall asleep before fully completing her mission...


  1. Oh my goodness! That is so sweet! We are having bedtime woes at our house right now. Darcy is scared of the dark and sleeping with us most of the night. It's makin us a little crazy.

  2. Oh no!So basically none of you are resting at night. Just when you think you have some sort of routine down...
