Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Day in the Park

Jack and Olive venture out to Sharon Woods...

Where Jack learns that there is an art to walking the dog...

and playing "fetch"...

Meanwhile, Olive discovers grass...

explores it...

and tries to EAT it!

Today was a good day.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Boogie on Down

Jack and Olive visit their cousins and have a dance off. Little did they know that Jack's middle name is "boogie"...

Boogie (Part 2)

And once he starts, he can't be stopped....

And She's Off!!!

After months of taking one or two steps and calling it quits, Olive decided that today would be the day she starts to walk!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Exploring Our Surrounding

Jack and Olive check out their new playground...

Introducing Jack to London

Please tell me it is not possible for a three-year-old to have a crush!?! This is London, a new friend from Mason. We worked out in service with her and her mommy last week. I was so excited for Jack as I watched him and his buddy pick dandelions, gather sticks and take turns knocking on doors. It really was too sweet seeing  them hold hands and then trip over each over as they tried to walk and hug at the same time. I thought, look how affectionate he is. Loving on this little girl like he does with Olive. So later that day when I laid him down for his rest, I asked "did you make a new friend today?"  He said,"Yeah, her name is London and she is BEAUTIFUL!" Huh?! And that's all I have to say about that....

Saying Goodbye...

Saying goodbye is never easy, but it was especially hard for us. Dayton holds our most precious memories and the only memories for Jack. As we began packing up our things, Jack very aware, would remind us that he was staying behind. "Okay, but not my toys, I'm staying here." We thought we made a breakthrough when we explained that we would all still be together and that we had to pack up his things so he could have them at our new home. But as we pulled away from the house Jack started to cry. I asked what was wrong. "I want to go home" he wailed. I tried to sound excited as I told him that we were going home. "No, I want to go to my yellow house."  He repeated this all the way down 75. The fact that our just three-year-old so acutely felt that there was something to grieve, shows the impact all of you have had on him. To our family, we love you and will miss you. To our friends, thank you for taking us under your wings. Words can't express our gratitude for the time and effort you put into forming a relationship with Jack and Olive. To us you'll always be family. We love you and will see you soon....